Valley United Soccer League

Schedule of Fees & Fines


Team Entry FeeSet Annually
Team Entry Late Fee50% of Entry Fee
NSF ChequeBank fee plus $25 administrative fee
Withdraw team after May 1Forfeit Entry fee plus $25 administrative fee
Defunct TeamForfeit Entry fee plus $50 administrative fee
Protest Fee$50


InfractionReference in Rules & RegsFineComments
Failure to field minimum number of players within the 15 minute grace period12.1, 12.2$50Plus field and match official fees
Field deemed unfit for play.13.2$50
Harassment of Match Officials15.1$100Plus any disciplinary fines levied by the District; possible expulsion from the League
Failure to properly fill out game sheet, including SEOS numbers, indicate a suspended player, signatures of all team officials present, etc.18.5$25Per offense
Failure to submit game report (confirm score) within 5 days.19.3, 19.4$25Per offense
Failure to provide suitable ball, nets, flags20.5$25Per offense
Failure to provide game sheet20.5$50
Forfeiting a game for reason other than 12.121.3$50
Failure to provide 3 weeks’ notice of non-participation of a Cup Day22.2$50Plus any field and match official fees
Failure to return trophyAppendix A: PoliciesCost to replace trophy


VUSL has been authorized to handle all discipline issues relating to the game. Fees and fines will be in accordance with those found in Section 12, Procedure 9 of the current Ontario Soccer Operational Procedures.

All issues relating to administration (registration, coaches, players, etc.) and match official assault will be forwarded to the district.